2010 has been an insane, remarkably amazing year for my family and I... nothing too traumatic has happened. Only momentum and positivity. Here's a snapshot of 2010's moments to remember. *note: not all of them include alcohol.
Good friend, OSOK, representing from Califas with Tribal Gear here in GDL.
*highlight of the night: besides the massive hangover despite our willingness to share, some random bum ran off with our bottle!!! Straight ghetto style!
Highlight of the year: Stupid Graffiti kids pay their dues....
Moosecake got to go fishing with Dad in AguaMilpas... the best place for bass fishing here in Mexico. Reasonable rates. Good food. Good times with Daddy.
Friend Will came down, got tattooed and afterwards... we headed out to Puerto Vallarta. (Barra de Navidad was also a highlight this month) I ♥ this photo with Little One.
Monterrey Tattoo Expo.... with the heavy hitters... Babo X Bob Tyrell X Indio X Chakal. Amazing time... thuse the "Checa Wey" on my fingertips!
Beautiful closure to an exciting month. Little Sis' n Darren.
I loved the Mother's Day show at the kids' school. Little One was straight vaquero!!!
This month we welcomed baby Frankie into the Family. Way to follow through Sis #2! :)
Hubby, Little One, and Moosecake.... all with birthdays in a row. We had a small party, with piñata, of course, and insane amounts of candy. *sniffle sniffle.... they're getting so big!
Summer started off with a bang. Disneyland and Yosemite were followed with all sorts of activites to keep the kiddos busy (and off the freaggin' computer!).
But the best photos were during their free time. :D
Mexico City Tattoo Convention was full of amazing talent.When not tattooing, we checked out the Zocalo and a few of the major museums in the city. And after that... party time!
Mexico City, I'm surprised we survived! Good times!
September was too many events to narrow down. Tons of pictures... from the kids' starting a new school, the Guadalajara Tattoo Show, our shop's anniversary party, the London Tattoo Show, my birthday in Amsterdam... I need to write a blog post on that trip alone!!! Nonetheless... a few highlights.
New year. New school. Thank God the education outweighs the uniforms!
Guadalajara Tattoo Expo.... somehow ended up at the club with the hubbies carrying our purses!
Our shop's anniversary party was a success.....and ended quite well. :)
London Trip... this was in Paris after waaaay too many shots of absinthe.
And this one ♥. On my birthday in Amsterdam. Turning 30 was perfect.
Demon Child and Iron Man on Halloween. Remind me how fun adolescence is. Cervantino!!! Guanajuato, Guanajuato is definitely a place to check out during the month of October. Besides the obvious party vibe, the city transforms into a melting pot of various art, theatre and music from all around the world.
Newlyweds came down to GDL and join us for Thanksgiving. The higlight? of the night was a bottle of wine without a bottle opener. Hubby and BIL tried everything to open that bottle. How many tries does it take married men to desperately open a wine bottle and appease their waiting wives?Apparently three.
December was another difficult month to pick and choose photos.... Dressing the tree, making gingerbread houses and pumpkin pie, the kids' school musical, our first posada, fireworks indoors and finally a wonderful christmas brought 2010 to a wonderful close. School Musical. Moosecake was the narrator for the whole program and Little One rocked out with his inflatable guitar.
We held our first Posada this month. Originally, it began as an art gallery with music, appetizers etc.... to benefit the children of Hospital Civil. Unfortunately, after all the toys and food had been collected... the H.C. decided to be (like typical government agencies here) devious and deceptive. Instead, those donations were taken to a few orphanages around GDL where kids would ACTUALLY benefit from their gifts~
Somehow this year ended in almost the same manner that it began!
2010 seemed to fly by and we've experienced so many great times with family and friends. I can only hope that this next year will be just as blessed.
Wishing all of you guys the very best 2011, full of love, friendship, health and success.