I've moved on to the Dark Side, only to compare everything, and everyone to you.
and only you. ♥
I think I'm beginning to let go now.
Don't worry.
You haven't changed.
But I have.
And now I can laugh at your ass everytime I come back.
Right off the plane... cruisin' on Crenshaw. ;)
And immediately, saw this.....
(I couldn't edit the photo, it's a Hydroponics store.... big word for a pothouse.)
Back home ain't got nothing on this!
I officially take back all the smack I talked about Mexican women all dressed up for pinche Chuckee Cheese..... this woman snagged the prize... at Disneyland.
Super psyched to find a fruit stand with fresh produce in Merced County
but it came with additives next door....

and I STILL don't understand why people here don't GET roundabouts!!
Try Mexico City people!!!
Nothing but love,