**2009 in Retrospect**
uh....Mexico's pig flu epidemic, completing my first year in a foreign country in one piece, renewing old friendships and making new ones, the engagement of two of my sisters, bringing a new guy on in the shop, the support from my family, ** i'm gonna be an auntie***, having the opportunity to share our immigration story on Change.org, spending the best time at Cervantino with great friends, Moosecake and Little One finally fitting in at school and bringing home amazing grades, moving out of our crappy little house into a perfect one, taking part in some amazing tattoo expos, and throwing our shop's 1st anniversary with a great turnout!
Last year,
I gained…… a new profession, a little more patience and an infatuation with blogging.
I lost…… my desire to go back, our home in the States, and my grandfather... who taught me the hard knocks, whether he intended to or not.
I stopped…… smoking, being afraid of trying new things, making excuses for other people and myself, allowing others to tell me whats “right” or “wrong”, giving a shit what others think.(most of the time.)
I started…..taking a little initiative with tattooing, sketching more, taking better care of my health and communicating in spanish regardless of how stupid i sound.
I was hugely satisfied by….. building the relationship between Moosecake and I.
I was embarrassed that.... AGAIN, I got tipsy and hubby had to carry me to the hotel, and the food here STILL "gets" me.
And frustrated by….. my intolerance of other people and their shit in general, thinking that i have to please everyone, and that I can get very mean when I argue with my husband.
Once again, I…… pissed many people off , still swear like a damn sailor, and failed to discover a way to handle someone who continually pissed me off.
Once again, I did not…..wear a bikini, or even a bathing suit at the beach, feel sexy, really try to excercise, give everyone my all, and tell my mom how much i appreciate all that she has done for me.The biggest physical difference between me last December and me this January is…not much really, red hair and more tattoos.
The biggest psychological/emotional difference…..I've come to realize that not I, you, nor my husband can control everything, coming to terms with my emotions and realizing that it's okay to miss home and what we had together,
Why did I spend even two minutes…….worrying about what others say or think about me, wishing I was or looked like someone else,being angry over things out of my control.
I should have spent more time……enjoying the little things I take for granted.
My biggest regret from 2009 is……. not attending my grandpa's funeral. :(
Next year I am going to………attempt to do everything that i've ever wanted., tattoo with mas huevos, truly live every day in expectation that it could be the last, be more tolerant of others limitations .... some people are just slow..., help others who are going through the same journey that i am .... and speak Spanish. This last year went by fast. It's kinda nice to look at my life in retrospect... with the idea that I also have the opportunity to leave it all behind. In 2010, I have the opportunity to start again and create my life how I want it, how it should have been. I get to help my kids pursue their new lives here in Mexico and accomplish what they envision. This next year will be amazing. There will be new opportunities and experiences, doors will open and close, but we have the chance to mold our next year as we see fit. We get to change our priorities and become closer as a family. I've really enjoyed reading all of your blogs and found many inspiring throughout this last year. Thank you all. I wish everyone success, love and happiness this new year....