well, it*s come and gone.... and you didn*t miss much. I was hella excited to go and check out all of the Mexican porn stars and find new distributors, but it didn't work out that way. It was fun. There was like a whole Marti Gras thing on the way in and a few REAL porn stars taking photos....and the fact that it was SLAMMED. The ticket line was ridiculous. Good thing we got ours free! And really creepy people all over the place.

Hubby and I avoided the "hot spots" and went to work. Kama Sutra, Xaviera, KChondiuxxx...all major distributors in Mexico.... we met, chatted and walked away with their information. We also ran into our bondage guy and talked him into consigning us about 10,000 pesos worth of bondage lenceria etc... and surprisingly, he was completely cool with it. He liked the idea of how I plan on transfoming our shop and since he doesn't have another introduction into GDL, we might be his opportunity to open up distribution in our town. Win/Win for us both. We tried some of the big name knock off brands in Mexico like TanTra (which is a line off of Kama Sutra) but it fell short. I was really disappointed with its quality. But coming home, I checked its prices with the companies I have in the states and it is ridiculously overpriced. (Meaning I can buy twice as much AND pay the import tax and shipping and STILL be cheaper!) It's so sad what they do to these mexicans...and people wonder why they don't have or can't afford all that we have in the States. For one, the US gets it cheaper and two, competition is fierce. Here in Mexico, we found that all 7 distributors have the EXACT SAME SHIT. it's ridiculous. I guess we are just gonna have to start importing. If anyone wants to help, I will tip with toys! :) haha. We did find some really good deals on DVDS... really recent. no pirata for about 15-18 pesos a piece. His selection was insane and he was close by in Leon. Our current one is now officially replaced! Lenceria was another item on our list. Same thing. It fell short. Ridiculously overpriced. I don't know how these companies do it, but I do have an appointment with a mens line today. Hopefully this one will work out considering I'm in the Gay capital of the world. I need something a little different. I was exhausted. We grabbed a couple micheladas and joined the crowds.

After business was over... we checked out the "pene riding" competition.... kinda like bull riding... i guess, Stripper wrestling,and batman. yup, batman. I saw him walk by in full gear. I actually took a pic to show my son who is a HUGE batman fan... and then... it came off.
Hey mama, looks like you had a blast...looks like we may be moving to the border...if so i can help out with stuff from the other side. I'll keep you posted. So god to hear from you...i was starting to wonder where you landed. Kuddo's
sounds intresting and fun, what do you mean by when you said you where in the gay capitol of the world? did you mean Mexico City was the gay capitol of the world lol? if so I didn't know but then again I am i surprised??? hmmm
haha... no, not mexico city. I live in Guadalajara... where there are more gays than straight couples!!!!
Wow that is a trip did not know that about Guadalajara.
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