Tomorrow I will come back to Mexico.... and I am ready to leave behind my dear friends, good wine, and Trader Joe's. While I am both sad to depart and excited to bring back all my recent finds, I must share with you the last days of my adventure.
I did get to visit my BFF and her gorgeous daughter, who, reminds me of a little Tinkerbell.

After some sushi and an early bedtime for the rugrat... three bottles of wine later, it was as if we had never been apart. Laughing, bullshitting, and well, forgetting all the problems that I will come back to, was.... nice. We did miss our dear hubbies, and kinda got carried away with the camera trying to be super sexy. .
The next day was wretched. I "watered" quite a few plants, and when my lunch dates, Will and Amber, decide to email those wonderful photos to my hubby...I will gladly explain my post party trauma. Cheese. Take a photo.... fuckers. My inebriated daze carried on through out the day. I picked up a few micheladas from a local guy who remembers dear hubby and used to make them "to-go" just for us and headed to meet my other BFF at the salon we worked at together. Ahhhhh.... to have your hair done. I forgot how good it felt. When we were done and my obnoxious blonde chunk was back in place, I felt pretty again.... not all scrubbish like in Mexico. I put on some red lipstick and we headed out for dinner, a few drinks, and to visit Will's new bar.
Ooohhh... how good it felt to be back home.... able to chat away without confusion, to walk into any store and find exactly what you are looking for in every freakin color of the rainbow, quality items, chill music, and THAAAAAIIIII. I'm a little bummed to be leaving...
Looks like you had a great time with family and friends, sad you have to go back :( have a safe trip home.
OMG, I am going to San Francisco this weekend to meet the hubby (who's near there for training this week). Soooo excited about eating thai food, vietnamese, and sushi without cream cheese slathered on it. TOTALLY forgot about Trader Joe's...I wonder if bags of pizza dough would survive the plane flight back to DF...
Glad you had such a good time, Im sure when your back in your husbands arms youll be glad to be home.
I have a bottle of Poizin that we bought on our wine trip to cali in april. GOOOOODDD stuff and am waiting for a freakin' awesome day to open it. or a day when i just get pissed off at mexican bureaucracy.
That bottle is from Armida - That is one of my favorite wineries in the Sonoma area. It looks like you are having a great trip. I know how you feel. I loved being in the USA for those 3 weeks.
Thanks for your comments guys. While I was feelin kinda bummed to be leaving the States, Hubby and kids made the return worth it. Hubby is all lovey dovey right now... Shit, if this is what i'll come home to every time... book me another flight!!! :)
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