Apparently, I am fascinated by windshield washers. And yes, I mean the ones on the street corners ready to jump on the hood of your car before the light turns red. On my way back from the gym this morning, before there is much traffic on the road, I saw a WW take off his bright red Ed Hardy Shirt, Hat, and Nikes, fold them, and place them neatly in a backpack. While he puts on a scrubbed out, filthy shirt and torn up shoes, he took the time cat call (whistle) at a young girl across the street. He rumpled up his hair, scanned the area, and then hid the backpack in some nearby bushes. He was ready for work....
Cabròn. I bet he lives in Bungambilias too.
Still early, I felt like today was the day for awesomeness. My suegro, a campesino at heart, took the bus from León out to Guadalajara to pay us a visit, have some lunch, and then head two and a half hours back home. We picked him up from the bus station around 12. I've noticed here in Mexico, as many of you will agree, the people with money, hate the poor, everyone hates the policia, and well, the less-fortunate, stick together. Now, I wouldn't exactly call the bus station a place where you find alot of money, but I guess there's a first for everything. There is a whole line for cabs in front of the bus station... then a complete second line for pickup. Apparently that was not good enough for one traveler. He pulled up in the cab lane. All the cab drivers told him to move and he wouldn't budge. Security came up and told the guy something about calling the grua if he didn't.... The traveler didn't even give the guy a chance to finish his speech. He rolled up his window mid-speech. Screw that. The security guard called the grua. Grua comes out... then the traveler decides to move, after telling everyone to "ching*...." ALL the cab drivers start whistlin', yellin, making a fuss... and move their cabs to block HIS from leaving. You can only imagine all the hoopla. (did I just say 'hoopla'?)The grua pulls out, up in front, backs in and tows the guys ass outta there. The guy is screamin out his window. It was FAN-TABULOUS!
Only in Mexico.
This was just as entertaining as watching Slumdog MIllionaire for the first time last night with Spanish subtitles.
What an awesome flick.
Besides, fallin on my ass AGAIN today in the shop, I hope you all have an awesome and entertaining day.
Hey Melissa. Just wanted to let you know that I think you have one of the best blogs I have seen yet-both the articles, writing style and artistry of the layout! BTW - I love that imagery behind you in your "profile pic".
Glad you had a good day ;) I will be out there again in July, lets make plans to meet up for sure this time!
Did you fall on your ass too? I took a huge slide in my kitchen. I am such an idiot.
I too love watching people getting ready for work. I used to actually see it all the time in San Francisco. I saw these same guys at the clubs later that night.
That grua story was so funny, wish I had been there to see it.
Jane: Thanks for checkin out my blog! I took that pic at one of the Tequila tours in, well, Tequila!If you're ever around the area, you should check it out... if not for the cheesy tourist photo opps, at least for the rounds of tequila!!!
Mama: DEF!!! lemme know b4 you come up here and we'll make a date!
RCIT: Isn't it hilarious? I mean't watching people.... not fallin on our asses! ;)
Paul: It was priceless!
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