Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Number 2.

I just finished my second client tattoo. Nowhere near my hubby's kind of work... but I was really please and so was my client. Woo hoo!!! :)

Some more big news!!! Little One lost his first tooth last night. He put it in a plastic bag, with a note "parra la atha". I helped pull out the tooth, but found a nice cavity alongside. We'll be heading to the dentist soon.

Lastly, we are tearing apart the shop again. We're putting in a little clothing store, promoting TRIBAL Gearand some of hubby's tshirts... maybe soon, some clothing for women. We've also picked up a new apprentice. He's been tattooing for about 10 years, but wants to keep learning. Kudos to him!!! So, now with three artists and myself on the side, we're adding a new booth to our studio.

School for the kiddos is STILL postponed. I don't know about other moms, but I'm going nuts. I had my sister score me some Tamiflu in the States, just in case, this really isn't a conspiracy! anywhoo, saludos a todos!


Mama of 4 said...

Great job on #2, I like it! Good Luck with the new clothing shop, I think you are going to do just fine in Mexico ;)

Doña Junta said...

So cute!

rainmaker said...

i was just thinking mel... why dont you write poetry anymore... in other words ... you should start!!!!!!!!

Rosas Clan in Tulum said...

The tattoo looks great. I was hoping to send you an pic of what I want to get and see if you or your hubby could sketch something out for me. It would really help keep me motivated for my workouts to actually see it. I have wanted it for several years and am giving to myself for my 30th birthday in October- along with the 15 lbs (or steady commitment to stretching and simple workouts) gift I am giving myself. will you email me at and i will send you a pic.

I am sorry to hear about your grandpa. I am glad that you were able to say a goodbye.

I know what you mean about the kids at home ALL the time. Mine used to be in school in the US full time and have been at home with me this past year- I am loosing it. I am a good enough mom to know that I should not be around my kids ALL the time.

Kristin Valdiviezo said...

Finally Tribal Gear in Mexico! Too bad I live in Chihuahua, I would really love to come and get some tattoos touched up...I am scared to go to anyone here to be honest and I won't be going back to the states for another year! Like your blog!

Refried Dreamer said...

How far are you guys from Monterrey? There's a tattoo expo there every year in March.... we'll be there... plus a few guys from the States.

Thanks for checking out my blog! Ciao!

About Me

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I've been living in Mexico now for about a two years with my hubby and 2 kids. Not exactly by choice, but we're here nonetheless. Luckily, I live with quite a few of the accomodations that i was used to in the states. In spite of those convienences, we also have a water tank with asbestos, outdated electricity, massive amounts of dust, caterpillars that burn your skin, and thousands of windshield washers on every street corner. My kiddos and I are learning to speak spanish and adjust to life away from our family and friends in the States.


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