One of the guys that had filled out an application earlier in the week, was a little older, homosexual, spoke great english and wanted to work in our sex shop. He sat patiently in our tattoo shop while talking to my hubby over the requirements of our shop.Unfortunetly, we had our eyes set on this younger guy,also homosexual, professional, little english, but with experience. Older guy came back yesterday to check up on his application, and we told him that we appreciated his app, but had hired someone else. He said that was great... because he was JEWISH and it was against his religion and it made him uncomfortable to be in a tattoo shop.
and he wanted to work where?!?!
ummm that is random lol..Gay and Jewish but tats are against his religion wtf? lol
hehehe... what a wierdo!
WOW -- People will do almost anything for a job. That is too funny.
I'm thinking someone can't take rejection very well :)
haha thats hilarious
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