**Personal Year in Review **This years highlights were….being able to hug my hubby after a very difficult journey, graduating from cosmotology school, working at Tres Image Salon with fabulous people, my hubby beating the odds in his court case, having the unrelentless support from my parents, wife beater+bottle of wine+good friends, the many drives to Mexico, spending my anniversary in Puerto Vallarta, partying with awesome people in Guanajuato for Cervantino, starting a new shop in a new country, listening to my kids speak spanish,piercing my hubby's chest, supporting myself, my family, and my hubby through a difficult time, making the decision to follow my hubby and start again.<3Last year, I gained……insight into my true abilities and calling,self confidence, a new friend that really embodies the meaning of friendship through thick and thin, a few extra pounds after all that much needed drinking and therapy.I lost…… a relationship with my sister, and a so-called “friend”, my naivety, my life in the States.span style="color:#99cc00;">I stopped…… being afraid of trying new things,eating bad shit for my body(except wine &tequila),making excuses for other people and myself, allowing others to tell me whats “right” or “wrong”, giving a shit what others think.span style="color:#99cc00;">I started…..being more open to change whether i like it or not, realizing my full potential, playing more with my kids. doing what is important to me regardless of how others in my life feel about it.span style="color:#99cc00;">I was hugely satisfied by….. how hard i pushed myself and all that i had accomplished with family and life.span style="color:#99cc00;">I was embarrassed that.... I got tipsy and hubby had to come rescue me in the bathroom, after moving to Mexico and eating the salsas that i went to the bathroom like my hubby did, people that i considered friends didn't want to talk to us because of what happened to my hubby.And frustrated by….. the games people play, immaturity, my intolerance of other people and their shit in general, thinking that i have to please everyone, and that I can get very mean when I argue with my husband.Once again, I…… pissed many people off , still swear like a damn sailor, failed to discover a way to handle someone who continually pissed me off, battled my 10 year old for who's boss.Once again, I did not…..wear a bikini, or even a bathing suit at the beach,feel sexy, really try to excercise, give everyone my all, tell my mom how much i appreciate all that she has done for me.The biggest physical difference between me last December and me this January is…not much really, longer hair, more tattoos, increasing self confidenceThe biggest psychological/emotional difference…..the knowledge I do have the ability to get what I want.... watch out!!!I loved spending time…with my husband and kids, drinking and laughing with friends, seeing my family (i miss them already!!!), working at Tres Image, laughing and joking with everyone there, cutting and styling hair, spending those much needed nights partying at Vino's and dancing to 80's classics.....Why did I spend even two minutes…….worrying about what others say or think about me, wishing I was or looked like someone else,being angry over things out of my control.I should have spent more time……enjoying the little things I take for granted. My biggest regret from 2008 is……. not making up with my sister before i left.Next year I am going to………attempt to do everything that i've ever wanted., tattoo someone, pierce , truly live every day in expectation that it could be the last, be more tolerant of others limitations .... some people are just slow..., wear a bathing suit at the beach and like how I look,expose some wrongs in the pursuit of justice, help others who are going through the same journey that i am, weight loss and lifestyle, and get my kids more involved here in Mexico.... and speak Spanish.
This last year was a difficult one. Good times and Bad, I spent it with people who I will remember a life time. Some of us got closer, others, not so. In the end, I found out how strong i can be and what i can accomplish, and how much i really do need my family and friends. i couldn't have got through this year without them. It's kinda nice to look at my life in retrospect... with the idea that I also have the opportunity to leave it all behind. In 2009, I have the opportunity to start again and create my life how I want it, how it should have been. I get to help my kids start a new life and change the things that need to be fixed. We get to change our priorities and become closer as a family.I wish everyone success, love and happiness this new year....img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-27" title="me n my baby" height="382" alt="me n my baby" src="http://brinkofinsanity.wordpress.com/files/2009/01/anthonys-pics-2141.jpg" width="510" />
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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About Me

- Refried Dreamer
- I've been living in Mexico now for about a two years with my hubby and 2 kids. Not exactly by choice, but we're here nonetheless. Luckily, I live with quite a few of the accomodations that i was used to in the states. In spite of those convienences, we also have a water tank with asbestos, outdated electricity, massive amounts of dust, caterpillars that burn your skin, and thousands of windshield washers on every street corner. My kiddos and I are learning to speak spanish and adjust to life away from our family and friends in the States.
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