Alas, here I am. Two weeks later.
I have finished the 30 Day Shred... and damn it, I can kick some ass.
This month, surprisingly was easier than I thought. Trial and error. It was breaking habits, grazing, and laying off the crappy carbs. The kicker for me was trying to plan my NEW eating schedule with that of my kids and hubby. The first two weeks of this change could have been better. I did not watch what I ate. Period. Two weeks lost. The third week, I totally kicked carbs. (Remember Atkins?) Yeah, that didn't work out too well either with Jillian's circuit training. The last week, I added fruits/veggies and beans. (still haven't forgiven the bread yet.) Another problem, which was hard the third week, was following a diet where you literally eat nothing but meat and cheese. No prob, right? uh, here in Mexico... yes. I searched ALL OVER GUADALAJARA, from the corner markets, big chain, and the foo-foo stores... NOONE has lowfat cheddar cheeses. They just don't exist here. Lastly, it was hard to keep track of all my calories that I was consuming. Considering that you need to burn 3500 calories to lose ONE pound of fat, that's a little more math that I can do in my head or my notepad.
And then I found Sparkpeople. This super site calculates your food, calories burned, water intake, overall calorie expenditures etc. There's blogs, forums, articles... whew. Everything. I advise any of you interested in checking out your stats... give it a chance. That site alone helped make this change possible.
Here are my measurements.
Waist: 28
Hips: 40
Thighs: 22
Arm: 10
weight: 135
In one month, I've lost 6 lbs, 2.5" from my waist. 2" off my ass, a few more from the thighs and an inch off the arms. I'm pretty psyched!
A buddy is coming in from the States tomorrow, bringing two new videos with him! Round two.... bring it.