My Parents down here to party it up!!!
During this last month, we also managed to move. The BIGGEST pain in the ass. After about a month of searching and then riding down til the last minute to get out of our old, old house and into a new one.... which by the way, is only semi-old, we are now finally able to relax in our new two story rental... equipped with a patio and area for bbq'in!!! Whoo hoo!!!
Damn... after that took enough time and both computers crashed ... we did head out for the day to PV for Anthony and Dad's bday with some hella cool peeps from GDL. Just chilled on the beach, a couple micheladas and a sangria.... I'll post more pics when I can find them!

When my parent's came up and wanted to go to PV, Hubby and I were a little uncomfortable with them driving solo with the kids.... So we decided to drive them there, stay the night, and then drive back. And again, the following week. Hubby and I went out fishing in the ocean... (price tag... you don't want to know.) I had a great time. We drove in circles for 8 hours. I got to sleep. Stare at the ocean. Sleep. Watch two turtles mate. Sleep. BAM!!! Hubby catches something. An Amberjack. A what? I don't know. He was so excited. I took a gazillion photos. Again, BAM! Hubby lets me reel it in. Whoopee. A damn needlefish. Did I want a pic? Nope, the damn thing will bite my finger off with his razorteeth. Kinda bummed out a bit. The only two catches of the day. To make things a bit better, the guide cut up the Amberjack right then and there and made, seriously, the best ceviche I've ever had.
Let me also note, ALL the fish was used to make this. This was THE MOST EXPENSIVE CEVICHE I've ever had in my life. Nonetheless, a good trip with Hubby.
The next week, Dad wanted to go with Hubby. Yup. Fishing AGAIN. Why, after such a slow catch the week before? I have no idea. Manly thing, I guess. He had a hunch. So, again, for an exorbitant amount, they both went off fishing. I got to relax with my mom and the kids at the hotel...DID NOT HAVE TO FISH... and enjoyed every minute of it.
By the end of the day, my dad showed up at the hotel. WTF? I was supposed to go pick them up at the Marina?!? He said Hubby was cleaning up and not feeling good. Dumb ass. Didn't take the Dramamine. We all packed up and rushed to pick him up. SON OF A BITCH. There he was... prouder than all hell. He caught a 9.5 foot Sailfish. It was so damn big, they mistook it for a marlin. He was grinning like a damn schoolgirl.

And not only did he come home with 60 lbs of Sailfish... but I also get the wonderful opportunity to MOUNT the damn thing on my wall. Ooohhh... the joys of marriage. hehe... whatever makes Hubby happy, I guess. :)
Holy cow that thing is amazing. You better mount it. Sounds like you all had a great time. Loved the pics. After some rest be sure to plan a trip to Tepa. I cant wait to show Issac those pics of the fish.
Well come back!
Yay you're back! That fish is flipping crazy. What I want to see next is a photo of that sucker mounted above your bed... ;)
holy crap-for someone I have never met or interacted with really directly, this may sound wack-but it´s real good to "see" you again! jaja.....cools to know that u were LIVING and nothing crazy happened-altho the craziness is what makes life fun-when I first read your fish comment, I read 9.5 POUND-crazy how the mind finishes stuff for u, and then I saw the pic and was all , she said FOOT, lam-o---anyways-felicidades on knowing what life is all about and livin´it that your parents came down to visit and could "see" to some extent "your life" it is hoy en día---
What a great time and big fish!!! Will have to come see your new pad when I get out there, maybe a BBQ and some cheladas? ;)
That is one HUGE ass fish!
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